Redeemable Preferred Shares – only 2 remaining

I’m going to track back to my previous post on the matter of redeemable preferred shares and point out today that Birchcliff preferreds (TSX: BIR.PR.C) traded at $24, which if you put back to the company on June 30, 2020 will result in roughly a 12% YTM. There is the equity risk of the company choosing to redeem in shares at 95% of weighted average trading prices, or a $2 minimum, which BIR equity is trading awfully close to. The company itself, however, even with depressed natural gas markets, is in no danger of becoming insolvent as its line of credit is healthily above the redemption amount of the preferred share series (CAD$50 million), coupled with the fact that the equity itself (despite management shrewdly engaging in a self-enrichment process at their last annual general meeting) appears relatively cheap.

Mentioning that you purchased these preferred shares is not going to draw much of a crowd at cocktail parties, however.

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Sacha…how does it work….06/30/20, the company may choose to redeem all the C prefereds for cash($25), if they do not,the holders any time after 06/30/20 may request that they are redeemed and the company chooses cash or shares or cash&shares. Is this on a case by case (holder) basis or do they make an announcement every quarter as to what their offering.will they just go on paying dividends (to those who do not request redemption)…..until the company feels its advantageous to pay them out? Are we looking at a future DRM.PR.A situation here (great place to park money at 7% with no real downside, baring poor performance or bankruptcy?)

Sacha – what are your thoughts on BIR.PR.C at this point in time? I’m thinking after June the odds are pretty strong that Birchcliff would payout any redeemed preferred shares in stock. It seems like a great opportunity if they convert to cash but hard to see that happening any time soon.