Secure access to Divestor

Not that any of you were transmitting secure information across this website, but in case if you were feeling paranoid that your snooping of my articles would be intercepted by the Russians or any other national security agencies out there, I have implemented https on Divestor.

So if you originally get to this site via, you can now feel safe and snuggly-secure if you type in instead.

This is in reaction to Google/Chrome that light up the panic alarm for non-secure http access. Sadly in today’s age of injection attacks (mainly to serve advertising or referral scheme scams) and man-in-the-middle attacks (in case if devious people want to change my BUY recommendations to SELL without you knowing about it), such measures are prudent. The cost is extra computational power and bandwidth, but both of these seem to be in abundant supply these days.

I’m sure if the spooks were truly interested in altering content on this site, it’d probably be easier to hack WordPress or my web hosting provider, both of whom I’m sure have attack vector holes larger than a block of swiss cheese. At least it won’t be through the transmission protocol!

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Does this mean you will be giving out buy recommendations?