Bonds are trading high

When markets move in a direction, the trend typically goes longer than most people otherwise anticipate. The Vancouver Real Estate market is a great example, or I could just be completely wrong and not realize there is some fundamental underpinnings that I am unaware of.

I believe this lasting momentum is the case for the bond market – today, I continue to unload at a pace of a trickle some of my slightly-better-than-junk debt (long-dated maturities) because the quotations just keep going higher.

Fortunately, some of it is sheltered in a registered account so I can defer the tax hit for a future time, but some of it is in the non-registered account. There is a tax timing problem in that I ideally would want to carry forward gains into the 2011 tax year, but it is better to take the bird in hand, rather than waiting 4 months. The taxes have to be paid eventually, but I’d rather want to pay them in April 2012 than April 2011.

Chances are in four months the bond party will still be going strong (especially when people dump their annual RSP contributions into the hottest bond fund they can find), but as a bond investor, I am getting very concerned as to the macro movement toward fixed income products and accordingly am continuing to leak my positions to the market as quotations go higher.

My cash balance continues to rise in the portfolio. It is at a higher level (in absolute but not percent terms) than at the end of 2008!