Atlantic Power – Goodbye!

January isn’t even half way done, and I’ve already had two of my companies receive takeover offers. The first one was FLIR Systems (Nasdaq: FLIR). Now it is Atlantic Power’s turn.

Atlantic Power (TSX: ATP / NYSE: AT) has been one of my longer term holdings, most of it purchased around the US$2 point.

I’ve written a lot about it in the past including my July 2018 post about a great company in a terrible industry.

This evening, they agreed to be acquired by i Squared Capital for US$3.03/share in cash, which is about a 44% premium to their last trade today. I Squared Capital, according to Wikipedia, has about $13 billion in assets under management, so this isn’t going to be an Input Capital type situation where the counterparty is questionable.

Other Atlantic Power securities will participate – the convertible debentures (TSX: ATP.DB.E) will be redeemed at 113.5, about a 10% premium at last trade; their preferred shares (TSX: AZP.PR.A/B/C) will all be taken out at CAD$22/share which is 27%/16%/29% above their last trade. This translates into a yield of 5.5% for the As and a 5.26% rate reset yield for B/Cs.

Until now, Atlantic Power has been one of the laggards in my portfolio. The way that this ended is somewhat bittersweet, but I’ll find a place to reallocate the capital. The power purchase agreements that were expiring would have become an issue in the next few years and I was expecting a strategic acquirer to come along.

There is a faint chance that there will be a higher bid, so I will not be selling immediately. However, I will not get my hopes up.

One thing I will be doing, however, is try to track where CEO James Moore goes to. If it is another publicly traded company I’d give it very good consideration – he was masterful.

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Dang, bittersweet indeed. Thanks for the coverage of this Sacha. Totally agree that Moore did well and is worth watching.

Great work on this one. Thank you. It certainly helped me grow my position.

I think it’s a management buyout. I agree it’s worth seeing if a bump can be obtained. There are some decent shareholders on the list. Conference call and management circular will be interesting.

Last edited 3 years ago by Safety

Vote against the deal. Prefs are $25 face, nothing less.

I think they can probably close with the preferred still outstanding. Preferred shareholders have less leverage to negotiate.

thanks for recommending this one in the past ! Picked up both common & pref’s a year or so ago. If you ever make it to SW Ont will treat you to a double double at Timmys!

Sacha thank you for the idea, very much appreciated

Funny, that now everyone owns some shares of this “hated” by everyone company.
Was hoping for stock to double, but can’t complain.
Thank you for writing about the company, I owe you a beer, if you ever visit Montreal.

I appreciated his perspective on the cheap stocks that sit around and do nothing and then one day get scooped up.

I remain steadfast in my view that if something stays cheap for long enough, eventually someone will do something about it and as an investor, you’ll get paid.”

I think 1/25 chance of an increased bid is way too low. This is a effectively a management buyout without a process being run. I can’t imagine a financial advisor recommending they go with their best price. Also ~20% of the float changed hands on Friday so there could be new shareholders accumulating a position. Seems like a low risk effort to stir the pot for a bump.

Why is the debenture being redeemed at 113.5? I’m under the impression they’ll be converted at $4.2 Cdn giving 238 shares – the make whole provision will likely give about 33 shares or so (linear interpolation if dates / price fall in between – assuming price converge to $3.85 CAD and close on Apr 30, 2020). 271 shares * $3.03 * 1.272 gives about $1046 / $1000.

Section of chart from the change of control – make whole provision.
Eff Date / Price 3.5 3.75 4
31-Jan-21…… 50.0686 38.5040 29.5475
31-Jan-22…… 47.6191 30.8933 21.6725

Just want to double check my math and understanding of the prospectus.

wish I had bought more….thanks for that Sacha….looks like there may still be a play for 10cents or more.

Nice writeup and enjoyed your coverage of this stock on the blog. I was not a holder of ATP but do own PIF and your posts helped me shape how I think about that investment.

For anyone that saw the buyout presser and then looked at the pre-market trading of AT on the NYSE (bid up to $3.00) there was quick 3% scalp you could take on the open on ATP as it opened on the TSX at $3.65 CAD and promptly pushed up to match the NYSE price currency adjusted