TSX Debenture Sheet Update

A few days ago, TSX Money has changed their website interface (in my opinion the change is awful for desktop users compared to the previous version). Before it used to be my go-to to get a quick quotation or the most recent news, but now everything is so spaced out and shows a lot more irrelevant information that I’m looking for alternatives. Why do providers always mess up a good thing? You get what you pay for I guess!

The best example of non-changing interfaces with incremental improvement are sites like Craigslist or Secinfo. They know major interface changes turn off users.

In regards to the TSX Debenture sheet I maintained, it broke the quote retrieval system I was using. Previously, the code to recover near real-time quotes was kindly provided by a user of the sheet which I was more than happy to implement (it involved importing the data from the TMX website). My first attempt to this weekend to re-establish this (realize that my mad hacking skills are about 20 years out of date) consumed a couple hours of time with little headway. I’m guessing one of you out there is smart enough to give me a proper =importxml(…) routine that will magically work.

Thank you.

(Update: A very, very, very intelligent person from Japan (you know who you are…) was kind enough to render assistance on this. Things look to be operational again, but we’ll find out when the market opens again on Tuesday!)

Minor site administration note – Comments

A few weeks ago, in response to a comment that the “email when there are new comments” function on my previous system was not working at all, I replaced the comments engine with this WP Discuz plugin, which appears to have better functionality in addition to actually supporting the feature.

I’m happy to report this system appears to be working well.

On a recent post, somebody had posted a couple links in the comments, and ordinarily posts with two or more links would go into the moderation queue (a ton of spam contains multiple links per comment). I’ve now raised this limit to 3 links or more before I have to manually moderate comments.