Keeping currency conversions factored

It should be on the back of an investor’s mind that the appreciation or depreciation of US currency is a significant factor in commodity pricing – as the US currency as depreciated significantly over the past 10 years, this has lead to disproportionate increases in commodity prices when you scale the charts for Canadian currency. Over the past year, the Canadian dollar has scaled up 10% against the US dollar:

When looking at increases in gold and oil pricing, the change is less dramatic when priced in Canadian dollars:

Spot WTIC Crude in Canadan Dollars
Spot gold in Canadian Dollars

I have been looking at my US dollar exposure and have generally asked myself why I have kept any exposure at all and simply not hedged myself. One reason is that I don’t have a clue how to predict currency movements. There always seems to be more variables at play than one would typically think (interest rate, economic, stability, geopolitical factors to name a few). The other reason is that Canada does 75-80% of its trade with the USA. As long as we have this much economic exposure to the USA, the US currency will always be a relevant factor in a Canadian’s life.

Finally, one might actually think there will be a faint hope and that the USA will get its own domestic economic act together. I know such thoughts are stunning and frightening to even assigning an above-zero probability.

Bitcoins as alternative currency

You can read about Bitcoins on its own site, but summarizing the story, some computer engineers developed a currency that rely on peer-to-peer networking to conduct exchanges and also to generate new currency (which has a hard-coded limit to creation). Your ability to generate currency is directly a proportion of how much CPU power you can generate to solve a mathematical problem. With a typical personal computer, your ability to do this is quite limited. However, people with more powerful hardware (in particular, advanced graphic cards) are able to solve these problems.

What I am finding relatively amusing is that this marketplace has an active following with people actively trading bitcoins for cash and vice versa. Over the past year, the market for this product has increased significantly, with about US$500,000 traded yesterday alone:

A currency is only as good as the confidence that people have in it. In this case, they believe a currency that can be minted only by some algorithmic work is something that inspires confidence because the rate of currency generation is relatively pre-defined. In light of this, it is not that different than any other currency. Gold-backed currencies have confidence because they can be exchanged for bits of yellow metal. Some countries can mine the yellow metal better than others. Canadian (paper) currency is valuable because it can be exchanged to pay governments taxes (fundamentally, this is the only true value the Canadian dollar has).

There is also the issue of “counterfeiting”, even if the bitcoin system is technically secure. One problem is that you can create an identical digital currency and call it something different. So in this essence, counterfeiting is a very relevant concern – not direct counterfeiting, but copy-catting. Bitcoin does have a “first mover advantage” which may mitigate against this.

My last point is that generating CPU cycles is not “free” – not only do you have to keep your computer on to doing so, but the watts required to power your processor is higher when it isn’t idle. There is an interesting article about a person in Mission, British Columbia (a suburb of Vancouver, BC), getting raided by the RCMP because his power consumption was typical to that of a marijuana grow-operation. Instead, he was mining for Bitcoins. As people hit the “Bitcoin lottery” and receive a block of 50 bitcoins, this can be liquidated in the marketplace for approximately US$800-900 – not a bad haul for an expenditure of electricity.

The debate here should not be whether Bitcoins are useful as a currency or not, but the lesson here is strictly one in economics – people see value in very strange things, and when people do see value, there will be markets created. In this case, the product is a currency that is only valuable because of its rarity and difficulty of generation, and is not too different than trading artwork or collectibles which have similar appeal.

Bank of Canada keeping rates steady

The Bank of Canada has kept the target overnight interest rate steady at 1%. This surprised nearly nobody. Their statement is relatively unchanged from the prior one.

The chart to keep looking at is not the BAX futures, but rather the 10-year benchmark government bond yield:

With the yield spread from short-term rates to the 10-year at about 205 basis points, the bank is unlikely to lift rates anytime soon.

BAX futures are as follows:

Month / Strike Bid Price Ask Price Settl. Price Net Change Vol.
+ 11 JN 98.695 98.705 98.695 0.005 12727
+ 11 JL 0.000 0.000 98.630 0.000 0
+ 11 AU 0.000 0.000 98.615 0.000 0
+ 11 SE 98.630 98.640 98.630 0.000 31347
+ 11 DE 98.500 98.510 98.480 0.020 37387
+ 12 MR 98.350 98.360 98.310 0.040 24564
+ 12 JN 98.200 98.210 98.140 0.060 13081
+ 12 SE 98.040 98.050 97.970 0.070 3855
+ 12 DE 97.870 97.890 97.790 0.090 809

The market has priced in a rate hike by year’s end, but I do not think this projection will come to fruition – come December, the 98.5 price will be likely around 98.7 – a thin value bet could be placed here.

Here we go again – Market volatility

The main US indicies are down under the reports that more European countries are facing debt downgrades – Italy today is the prevalent one.

However, since I think it is safe to say the whole world knew that other European countries other than Greece are going to face similar meltdowns in their finances, investors should be aware that there are other possibilities – such as a slowdown in demand.

Such a slowdown in demand will not be in favour of commodity markets, but will be in favour of anything defensive – consumer staples, utilities and bonds. The insurance sector should also look good, but these companies are difficult to research.

It is also very difficult to make money in these sorts of marketplaces (at least long-only) since indexers will be selling their equity and thus it becomes a game of timing when the supply stops – this could be months down the road. It is a good time to prime that research list and take advantage if we are going to be seeing a significant drop in equity prices.