The week ahead

This upcoming week in the markets is probably going to be the most interesting since March 2009 when the S&P 500 hit the famous “666” mark.

As I write this, the S&P futures are down 1.9%, gold is up a whopping US$59/Oz and oil is down $2.85. There is clearly a large amount of panic being baked in the marketplace. The cause is being attributed to the S&P downgrade of the US soverign debt but this is the trigger, not the cause. There are a lot more macroeconomic problems going on in the world that have attributed for this market meltdown while everybody tries to rush for liquidity.

August volatility futures were sleepy until they exploded in the past week:

I had earlier said that the market panic is likely to be over when it has reached 30-35, but I am now of the mindset that the volatility can get higher before the market has seen capitulation – I’m guessing now around 40-45.

Even when there is capitulation, the bears will likely not be done yet – part of dealing with market downtrends is that there will be significant periods of time (one or two weeks) where you will see sharp market rallies and people with cash on the sidelines will be stepping over themselves to get back into the marketplace. These will simply be more moments to lose money. As long as there are columnists and people on the television that are willing to say that this volatility presents a good time to purchase stocks, I do not believe this downtrend is over – it has just started.

What is incredibly contrary to the market action is the fact that corporate profits appear to be at incredibly reasonable levels compared to prevailing interest rates provided by “safe” (ahem) government bonds. It could be the case the market is predicting that such profits are going to evaporate in the near future or that such profits simply do not matter and liquidity is what is being traded, rather than equities in companies with solid fundamentals.

Investors must be able to be nimble on their transactions and try to buy when supply is at its highest, while selling when the demand has almost peaked. Selling in downturns or buying in uptrends will result in very sloppy executions.

This is reminding me of two other situations in the past. One was in the year 2000, when the Nasdaq went from 5,000 in March and crashed all the way down to about 3,000, only to climb back up to 4000 again in August before crashing to its ultimate low of about 1100 in October 2002. There was one day (April 4, 2000) where the Nasdaq went from 4283 down to 3649 intraday (a 15% drop), only to recover to 4148 at the end of trading (a 14% recovery). This was the most volatile day of trading I had ever experienced and was an omen that there were bad things coming down the pipeline.

Last Thursday was all down, but if my hunch is correct, we are going to see a lot of volatility this week, so be prepared to ride those ups and downs like a professional ocean surfer. Monday is going to start down, but the rallies and downturns are going to be as sharp as a razor blade.

That said, so many people think that the markets will tank on Monday that I would venture they main indices (S&P 500, TSX) will end the day up.

Anecdotal measures of inflation

The Nomad Lawyer (Paul Lukacs) notes the following in his web posting:

When I visited Hong Kong in December 2010, the cost of one Mrs. Fields cookie was 11 Hong Kong dollars (US$1.43).

In early spring, the price rose to 11.5 Hong Kong dollars (US$1.49).

This week, the price rose to 12 Hong Kong dollars (US$1.56).

That’s a lot for a small cookie.

Applying some Canadian grade 11 math, the compounded annualized rate for the 8 months of price change is the following:

exp(ln(1+[{1.56 – 1.43} / 1.43]) / [8/12]) = 13.94%


I find these anecdotal measures of inflation to be more realistic than government-released statistics. Although the US Dollar has depreciated about 7% against the world basket of currencies, increases in sugar and flour prices (derived from wheat) have also skyrocketed.

Inflation, whether the US government reports it in its statistics or not, will be the only politically practical way the they can ever pay off its mammoth debt. There are too many entrenched interests to allow other options at present. The result is the currency depreciating, which will increase commodity prices (as they are US dollar-linked). This depreciation also highly affects the competitiveness of Canadian exports to the USA, but also gives net importers (such as most consumers) higher purchasing power – most cross-border shoppers know this.

My own personal anecdotal explorations of inflation are usually at the supermarket. I notice a jug of homogenized milk (albeit protected by the BC Dairy Board in the province I live in) is about $4.50 for 4 litres. Bread costs are creeping up at around the $2.70-$2.80 level for a 680 gram loaf (although you can still find cheaper options). Coffee has skyrocketed on a per pound basis. I also notice those concentrate juice mixes in the freezer section have been downsized in volume but still sell for roughly the same price. There are signs of inflation everywhere similar to Mrs. Fields Cookies that was noticed by the Nomad Lawyer.

What to do when facing portfolio losses

This is going to be a rather disjointed post, but it will attempt to explain the psychology of losses, misconceptions and dealing with panic downturns.

What’s happening, and what will be happening?

The S&P 500 began the week at around 1300 and ended the week at around 1200, a drop of about 8%. This is the biggest downturn in the markets since the 2008 economic crisis. For anybody that began investing since March 2009, this is also the first real instance of losses (whether realized or not) that they are facing. Year-to-date, the S&P 500 is down about 5%. For Canadian investors, the TSX composite is down 10% over the past 5 days and year-to-date it is down 10%.

The cause of this market dump is not entirely clear – it is attributed to the events going on in Europe (in that Italy is the next domino to fall in the Euro debt pyramid) and also the rather lacklustre resolution to the US fiscal situation – although they bought themselves $2 trillion in permitted debt, the US government is still spending cash like a drunken sailor at a casino and they have not even come close to addressing the fundamental issues in their fiscal structure (mainly spending too much money).

These situations are not exactly unanticipated by the marketplace, but it has come to the forefront to such a point that the markets have taken swift action by jettisoning nearly everything and going into the warm and fuzzy safety of liquid AAA debt. Government bond yields have all across the board sunk to lows that have not been seen since the 2008 economic crisis. I am also of the opinion that the S&P downgrade of the US government is irrelevant. It is counter-intuitive that bonds are trading so highly when there is so much debt issued, but where you will see the future depreciation is in the currency, not the bonds – your cost of holding US bonds is paid for in currency depreciation rather than low yields.

The most frequently asked question is – is this a time to purchase stocks? My hunch is that while we will see rallies in the marketplace over the next few months, the prevailing momentum has clearly turned negative and it continues to be a time to be risk adverse. I could be wrong – this could have marked some sort of panic low and we all move up from here on in, but markets typically do not work that way – we have had a two year rally (March 2009 to 2011) that was primarily fueled by federal reserve action (QE, QE2) and now that the money spigot has run out, we are going to see a normalization of the markets.

I have managed to survive the 2000-2002 and 2008-2009 market drops with losses, but without the 60% wipeouts that the indicies took during these periods. There are a few rules that I have about these sorts of situations. One is somewhat obvious, but cash is king. If you do not have enough cash to pay for what you need (for retail investors – your expenses, for institutions – redemptions!) then the decisions you will take will be risk-adverse to the point that you will compromise your ability to obtain returns for whenever the recovery occurs. Cash is important, even when it yields nearly nothing.

Another rule is that sustained market downturns tend to go on longer than most people would otherwise anticipate. This downturn really started in April of this year, but it was only until now that there was a sharp and significant decline.

Finally, another rule of market declines is that you will see sharp rallies upward during market downtrends. These rallies are quite deceptive – they have a tenancy of sucking in money from people that feel like they are missing out, but they do not call them “sucker rallies” without a reason – they are very dangerous to participate in unless if you have an explicit objective of making a quick 5% before bailing out and realizing gains.

The Divestor Portfolio

I have made some pretty bone-headed decisions over the past couple months and as a result, I am about 9% down for the year (roughly equal to the indicies, although I do not measure myself against the indices) so I am not happy with my performance considering the amount of cash I have in my portfolio. There were a few transactions that attributed for a good chunk of the loss. I have ended the week with significant amounts of cash. There is no longer safety in anything except cash – even companies with the most ridiculously undervalued metrics (e.g. trading below book value, P/E of 8-10) are being throw out of portfolios simply because they are liquid and can be converted into cash.

Usually I am better at side-stepping these sorts of market situations. Not last Thursday, and I was very upset at my inability to doing so.

“I can’t sell because I will take a loss”

It is strange that market downturns provoke a lot of discussion amongst friends that invest. The most common mode of incorrect thinking is that “I don’t want to sell XYZ because I will take a loss.” You inquire further and you find out that some shares that they bought back in January slid 4% below their cost basis on Friday. Portfolio holdings should always be measured against current market value. The only difference that cost basis makes is the tax treatment of the disposition – there is no other reason why an investor should care about cost basis.

I find it very interesting that people cannot be psychologically programmed to ignore the concept of “selling at a loss”.

I personally find it easy to mercilessly jettison losers out of the portfolio knowing that my government will be subsidizing me for some of it when I write off the capital losses against capital gains. Sometimes you just have to raise your arms up and come to the conclusion that your analysis was incorrect and that the stock you bought for $20 is not worth nearly what you paid for it even when it trades at $17. Remember Nortel in October of 2000 when it was trading at around $130/share and then had a horrible earnings report and tanked to roughly $90? If you had bought shares of Nortel at $130 but had the market take you out for $40, maybe it is a sign that Nortel was worth far, far less and the market has not realized it yet?

This reminds me of a story that goes as follows: Let’s pretend you bought some shares of a company for $10,000. In a week from now, the shares have gone up to $100,000. Then a week later, the shares went down to $11,000. You sell the shares, and then say to yourself “Man, that was a great $1,000 I just made there!”.

The reality is that you should always be looking at the market value of what you are investing to determine whether it should be in your portfolio or not. Did this company have value at $10,000? Did this company have value at $100,000? Basic portfolio management is that while you should let your winners run, you should also take some money off the table and trim the position if the company trades above your fair value range.

Why fundamentals generally do not matter in panic downturns

Markets that experience deep and volatile downturns exhibit irrational behaviour. The reason is because equities and debt trade mostly on the basis of liquidity rather than any underlying value. As most transactions these days are conducted by algorithmic trading, liquidity is a critical provision that these programs take into consideration. Anybody displaying a bid of size on a relatively illiquid security is likely to have their orders filled in. Likewise, these algorithms also value liquidity, which is why large cap stocks tend to see more gyrations rather than a steady decline down.

In market downturns, everything gets taken out and shot, no matter how “safe” they may seem, or how ironclad their financial statements are. If you look at every equity on the Canadian and US markets, there are only a very few equities that managed to preserve their value during the 2008 economic crisis.

Yield chasing / Leverage

A lot of people are discovering why chasing yield is a painful exercise – you might pay $50 to get that $2.50 annual dividend, but it isn’t going to do you a lot of good if the capital value permanently drops to $40. With interest rates as low as they were, it seems mathematically easy to borrow money at dirt-cheap rates (e.g. US cash at 1.5%, Canadian cash at 2.5%) and invest them in preferred shares and skim the yield difference, but what happens if the capital value of those preferred shares starts to drop? Likewise, low yields have forced capital to find their way to the commodity markets – with oil dropping $10 over the past week, what will the impact be on investors in commodities and related equities?

There is a vicious circle with deleveraging – people need to sell assets to raise cash to reduce their leverage ratios. However, the act of selling forces asset prices down, which requires people to deleverage more, etc. It all usually ends up in a big purge – and we saw some of that purge happening last Thursday when the indicies dropped 5%.

Making up losses

One of the worst tenancies for gamblers is that they feel compelled to make up their losses by making heavier subsequent bets. This is a sure-fire way of losing capital because such betting is usually fuelled emotionally, plus it is done at a time that is usually unfavouble for such betting (such as in the middle of a market downturn trend).

Psychologically speaking, the tenancy to get to the break-even point is very powerful, but one must mentally realize that the capital that you have remaining doesn’t have to be deployed in the same vehicles that you lost your money with (e.g. averaging down) or just after the time the capital was lost (e.g. Thursday). Investing should be done when the conditions are ideal and right and that includes looking at the external marketplace and also inside your own head to make sure you are thinking clearly.

Real estate

I have no idea whether a sustained market downturn will impact the Canadian real estate market. However, one wonders whether the values of real estate (especially in Vancouver, one of the most over-valued real estate markets in the world, primarily due to a massive influx of capital from China) will depreciate as the “wealth effect” reverses.

Final note

I do not think this is over yet. There is a lot of baggage to be dealt with the sovereign debt situation which may not be fully appreciated or realized in the markets yet. While corporate valuations (especially in the large cap sector) appear to be ridiculously low, it is still no reason why stocks can’t still be jettisoned in the name of deleveraging and liquidity-raising. However, given my performance to date this year, I could be wrong. I certainly have been over the past few months.

Markets getting slammed – how to trade in a downturn

The equity markets have been getting slammed (down about 3% currently) and bond yields have correspondingly dived as people search for safety. Most notably, this is the the second spike in volatility in the year – the first one was in March (which was caused by the Japanese earthquake).

When the bottom is in will be when the least number of people think so, but the tone of the markets at present are quite panicky – even the commodity markets are dropping in price. My guess is that this will occur when volatility reaches around 30-35.

Suffice to say when prices drop, equities become more attractive. The trade that makes money is moving from low risk to high risk when others are running away from high risk. Risk is being discarded quite actively.

Government Bond yields have dropped significantly

The one impact of the US debt ceiling extension has been that government bond yields have dropped significantly over the past week. For instance, the 10-year Canadian government bond benchmark has lost about 25 basis points which is a huge drop:

10-year bond yields are now lower now than they have been since January 2009 (the depths of the financial crisis). The bond markets are highly pessimistic about any form of economic recovery and are trading as such.

Short term rates are no longer pricing in a sure chance of a rate increase – BAX futures are as follows:

Month / Strike Bid Price Ask Price Settl. Price Net Change Vol.
+ 11 AU 0.000 0.000 98.670 0.000 0
+ 11 SE 98.685 98.690 98.685 0.000 23202
+ 11 OC 0.000 0.000 98.655 0.000 0
+ 11 DE 98.660 98.670 98.660 0.010 42832
+ 12 MR 98.630 98.640 98.610 0.020 35992
+ 12 JN 98.590 98.610 98.560 0.040 16408
+ 12 SE 98.550 98.570 98.510 0.050 7649
+ 12 DE 98.500 98.510 98.450 0.060 2729

The December BAX Futures are at 98.66 (1.34%) compared to 98.46 (1.54%) when the Bank of Canada made its last pronouncement on short term rates.  It no longer appears that short term rates will be rising at all.  Three month corporate paper is still at 1.17%.  If there is any hint of economic recovery, it is not seen in the bond market.